当前位置 首页 理论片 《情欲絮语》


类型:伦理  加拿大   法国   瑞士  1994 

主演:Valérie Kaprisky Jean-François Pich 

导演:Léa Pool 



Valérie Kaprisky and Jean-François Pichette star in this predictable story of two people, a single mom (Kaprisky) and a man (Pichette), who meet on a train going from Montreal to Vancouver, a very long ride across Canada that gives them plenty of time to become romantically involved. Viewers may find that the evolution of the romance is as obvious as the train chugging along o... (展开全部)   Valérie Kaprisky and Jean-François Pichette star in this predictable story of two people, a single mom (Kaprisky) and a man (Pichette), who meet on a train going from Montreal to Vancouver, a very long ride across Canada that gives them plenty of time to become romantically involved. Viewers may find that the evolution of the romance is as obvious as the train chugging along one track to its inevitable destination.


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